Monday, September 22, 2008


College classes are wonderful. So much better than high school. For some reason, I want to work even harder and learn as much as I can. That's a bit step for me from high school. I just tried out for one of the ultimate frisbee teams this past weekend. Last night I was notified by email that I am now part of the Titans frisbee team. I'm excited about that. Another thing that I might have mentioned already is that I love talking about politics. Let me vent off a little bit.

People need to stop attacking these little things. Since when did health and children have anything to do with the presidency? Lets talk about their policies. That is what is truly important in this race. Though, most of america is stupid lol. Likeability plays too much of a role. Then again, I live in a ideal society.

First, I would like to cover the tax issues on both sides. I don't agree with either side lol. Obama says taxcuts for everyone except for the top 2%. Umm.. For one thing, In my opinion, these people have earned their money. What right do we have to tell them they have to pay more. Just because they are more successful in life doesn't mean they have more responsibility as citizens. Also, that tax increase to the rich will still effect the lives of the middle class. These rich people are the business owners. If they are going to be taxed, they are going to make up for it by increasing their prices. This will either even out the tax cuts for the middle class, or over shadow it. When McCain says Obama is trying to raise our taxes, technically its a lie, but this is the point hes trying to get at. With Obama's policy, it will cause even more inflation than we already have. That will deepen the wounds in our economy further. Another point I want to make is that Obama says that he will find alternative efficient fuel sources. Umm, I don't know how he can make that promise being he isn't doing the research. The scientists are. He is going to put more funds into that research. Ok. sounds good. But let me go on. His universal health care plan is going to be the biggest hit to the economy. The Government is supposed to pay for everyone's health care. Everyone's... Our Economy is nearly broken, banks are going bankrupt (ironic), there's barely in money left in our Government, in fact, we are in a super debt to China. His plan is to spend more Government money?? Where is it coming from? He promises us all these things, and some of them may sound great. But there is no possible way he can do it without destroying our economy further.

McCain wants tax cuts for everyone. Sounds nice too, right? Well.. he is relying on the fact that the people will use their new saved money to go out and buy things. That would help the economy tremendously. But with the economy the way it is now, the people are too scared to spend too much money. The tax cuts would hurt our government if i'm right in the behavior of the people. Therefore, I suggest that not only we increase taxes for the top 2% but for every citizen who shares the responsibility to help our nation. The taxes are going to suck at first, but it will help in the long run. Our congress screwed us over by spending all our tax money. The war in Iraq certainly is not helping. This war is the first war in American history where we did not raise our taxes. The sweet attempt by bush to appease the people back fired. It hurt our government and our economy. We have to raise taxes.


Anna said...

hahaha you and politics. I'm glad your classes and frisbee are going well. and yeah, taxes probably should go up...but it's hard when people are paying so much for gas and food right now.

Ethan said...

I recently learned that raising taxes during a time of a recession is really dumb lol. We need to lower taxes actually. That kind of blows out my whole theory